10 Problems Only People From Gondor Will Understand

1. Boromir

Boromir is great: he is your champion, and your celebrated prince. Sadly, he is also a smug, humourless douchebag.

In Rohan they get to rally to the stoic and dashing Eomer. The Shire have the brave and banterful hobbits. Even the Uruk Hai get Lurtz who, to be fair, looks like a bit of laugh. You meanwhile have to run into battle behind the bloke who might as well have a gigantic target sprayed on his back.

If you met Boromir in a pub, he would be the one who buys a load of shots then calls out anyone who doesn't drink them. He also probably kicks dogs.

Moving away from conjecture though, he did NOTHING to defend his beloved little brother from the constant ribbing he got from his dad, except for a half-hearted "You give him no credit and yet he tries *something something something*". Directly after this, he rides off to try and steal the one ring that EVERYONE in the world has agreed not to steal.

Great guy. Great idol. Which other Gondorian problems belong on this list? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

TV writer. Film obsessive. Dinosaur enthusiast. Paranormal, horror and all things strange/unlikely to be real. Skeptic. Co-creator of WTP Comedy and creator of reel gifs.com. London based Midlander. Twitter: @leegant