10 Rare Cryptids Haunting The United States

2. Beast Of Bladenboro

Between 1953 and 1954, the town of Bladenboro, North Carolina was in an uproar when dogs were discovered €œtorn to ribbons and crushed.€ Their blood seemed to be sucked out of them. In total, nine dogs were crushed and ripped apart, along with a pet rabbit and a goat. The perpetrating animal may have also killed cows and hogs. Witnesses to the killings and sightings reported that the beast was a little larger than a metre long, bushy with a cat-like face and 68 kilograms. Some witnesses said that the animal howled a mournful, desperate song like an abandoned infant. It only went after one woman who ran inside her home and kept it out. Hunts were organized to capture the beast, amassing over 800 participants. That€™s better than a local election day. Though some large bobcats were killed, nothing large enough to take down big prey was ever encountered. While many sources involved in the story have admitted to using it to make some money for the town (There is a Beast of Bladenboro Festival, after all), similar attacks started occurring again in 2008, and were investigated by the History Channel€™s MonsterQuest team. It was surmised that a cougar was the likely culprit, though they seem to have less vampiric tendencies than the beast.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.