10 Rare Cryptids Haunting The United States

3. Gloucester Sea Serpent

Another Massachusetts sighting is that of a giant sea serpent off of the coast of Gloucester. While sighting of sea serpents date back to the 1600€™s around Gloucester and Cape Ann, arguably the most famous one occurred in 1817. In the summer of this year, numerous accounts were reported to authorities. Witnesses claimed the serpent was 30 metres in length, scaly and as broad as a horse. While the monster couldn€™t be confirmed, sightings continued over the years, even from experienced seafarers and captains, lending more veracity to the claims than the Loch Ness mystery. The most recent sighting in Massachusetts occurred in 1962 off the coast of Marshfield, but no other sightings have been reported. J.P O€™Neill, author of €œThe Great New England Sea Serpent,€ posits that the sea serpent has migrated due to overfishing and is looking for better feeding areas. Though, another sea beast was spotted off of Newfoundland in 1997 that seemed to share qualities with Gloucester€™s scaly little gremlin. Maybe it€™s the Gloucester Sea Serpent looking for new hunting grounds.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.