10 Rare Cryptids Haunting The United States

10. Wildman Of The Navidad

Deep in the Texas brush, along the Navidad River bottoms lurks an ape-like creature that walks upright, steals food and knives from local farms and builds encampments. First reported in 1834, some local legends claim the Wildman was actually an escaped male slave living in the wild, while others think it may have been a woman of unknown origins because of a report that described the creature as having long, flowing hair and being smaller than a man. Maybe it was a couple? Though reports faded, some cryptozoology experts think it could be a Texas version of the Bigfoot. There are a few reports from hunters who claim to have seen a large, hairy beast creeping in the woods in many parts of Texas. The Wildman also lives on in celluloid. In 2008, an independent horror film examined the legend of the Wildman and presented the creature as a murderous Wildman living along the riverbanks, not an ape. However, he could have easily been the missing link.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.