10 Real-Life Curses That (Supposedly) Killed People

8. –tzi's Curse

Ancient mummies have long provided fuel for myths and legends of deadly curses, passed down from thousands of years ago. '–tzi the Iceman' is undoubtedly one of the most impressive ever discovered, and remains the oldest known natural human mummy in Europe. –tzi the Iceman is most notable for how remarkably well-preserved the body is, giving scientists an incredible insight into how the Chalcolithic Europeans lived. The specimen has also been at the centre of a number of controversies, including a lengthy dispute surrounding the true discoverers. It has also been claimed that the body of –tzi is cursed, following a number of strange deaths involving several people linked to the specimen. In all, seven deaths have been said to be involved with the alleged curse, as four were killed in violent accidents. Analysts have concluded that the deaths were not statistically relevant when compared to the number of people involved with –tzi, but some media outlets have proposed that the Iceman could have been angry at being disturbed from a slumber lasting 53 centuries.
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