10 Real-Life Curses That (Supposedly) Killed People

7. Björketorp Runestone

The Björketorp Runestone can be found in an ancient grave field near Blekinge, Sweden. The runestone has been dated as far back as the 6th century, and at 4.2 metres in height it's one of the tallest in the world. Naturally, there's also rumours of a curse surrounding the Björketorp Runestone. Despite the runestone's age, an inscription on one side can be read fairly clearly. Written in the Proto-Norse language, the message has been translated to read: "I, master of the runes conceal here runes of power. Incessantly (plagued by) maleficence, (doomed to) insidious death (is) he who breaks this (monument)." In other words, don't mess with this runestone. Unfortunately, the nasty message has not always been heeded - mainly because there were centuries during which locals couldn't understand it. It's alleged that one man attempted to remove the Björketorp Runestone by heating it with a fire then cracking the stone with cold water. After lighting the fire, a freak gust whipped it into a frenzy, setting the man alight and leaving him to die in agony.
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