10 Really Awkward Moments Only WhatsApp Users Will Know

4. People You Haven't Spoken To For Years Popping Up From Your Ancient Phonebook

Who knew you so many strangers lived inside your phone? Who knew they still wanted to talk to you? Shudder. WhatsApp is a stark reminder to clear out your phonebook: especially since you only contact a grand total of four people from it on a regular basis. Purge: Imminent.

3. The Epic Preparation Before Sending A Voice Message

You've got one shot, and one shot only. You need to sound fun, sexy, and confident in one 15 second recording. It's like leaving a voicemail with full consciousness of how dumb you sound. Please leave a non-awkward message after the tone... NOT A CHANCE.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell