10 Really Awkward Moments Only WhatsApp Users Will Know

6. The Horror Of Sending A Photo Message To The Wrong WhatsApp Contact

Oh sweet Jesus, that photo was NOT meant for you. Quick, manically tap that cancel button as the clock timer goes round and round hauntingly, sending that fateful photo to the person you REALLY don't want it to go to. Oh what's that? TWO TICKS. Earth, swallow me whole. The end is nigh: all you can do now is throw your phone on the bed like it's suddenly covered in flesh-eating spiders, and never look at it again for eternity.

5. Not Knowing What To Do When You're Both Typing At The Same Time

You start typing. They start typing. You stop. They stop. What now? Are you both sat on this conversation, thumbs twiddling, awkwardly staring at your screens? It's even worse if they delete what they were about to say never to be brought up again. Luckily, we have the solution to this problem, as discussed in point number 7. Simply find a good tongue face. Awkwardness, be gone!
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell