10 Reasons The Early 90s Were Better Than The Early 2010s

9. There Was Less Emphasis On The Past

Nirvana Nevermind

Popular history teaches us that the Cold War ended in 1991, and with it came a renewed determination to plough forward, away from a past that seemed awkward and embarrassing. George W Bush, a fixture at the White House since 1981, gave way to Bill Clinton, who if nothing else had a novel way of storing his cigars.

The popular culture changed, too: yuppies gave way to longhaired musicians, grunge and rap seized the music charts and, on TV, two FBI agents named Mulder and Scully told Americans not to fear the Russians, but little grey men instead. Nobody could have predicted American Idol.

Somewhere along the way, the change stagnated, and the stagnation led to the cannibalizing of the past. While HBO screens documentaries about Kurt Cobain and Fox prepares to reboot The X Files, the world gears up for 2015’s summer blockbusters, which include sequels to Jurassic Park and The Terminator as well as another Fantastic Four movie. 

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'