10 Reasons The Early 90s Were Better Than The Early 2010s

8. Filmmakers Had Personalities

Nirvana Nevermind

In the early 1990s, Hollywood hadn’t yet fully succumbed to McDonaldization and begun cranking out one uniform picture after another. True, there were plenty of catastrophes (remember Bruce Willis in Color Of Night?), but there were also filmmakers whose personalities shone on film.

Whether or not you care for the movies of John Landis, Joe Dante, John Carpenter, Kevin Smith, Paul Verhoeven and Robert Rodriguez, you have to admit that they don’t make bland product. The films they make reflect their own obsessions and insecurities, which is what makes them memorable.

Hollywood in the 2010s is all about uniformity of product: when everything’s the same, new content is easier to create. So Marvel can create a 5 year plan in much the same way that episodic television plots out a new season, and just like TV, there will be nothing that distinguishes one episode from the next. 

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'