10 Reasons To Visit Universal Orlando's Wizarding World Of Harry Potter

5. Spot The Hidden Magic

weasley hat harry potter orlando
© Madeline Gray/ZUMA Press/Corbis

It wouldn't be the Wizarding World without some hidden magic.

Keep your eyes peeled at all times to spot some of the magical secrets hidden all around. From Hedwig sitting with Harry Potter's luggage at Platform 9 3/4s, Moaning Myrtle in the toilets at Hogsmede to the talking mirror in Madam Malkins.

My favourite things to watch out for are the disappearing rabbit at Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes and the actual leak on the Leaky Cauldron sign.

Although technically not secrets, don't forget to get your postcards home stamped at for home at the Owl Post in Hogsmede. You can also exchange your US dollars for Wizard Bank Notes at the Gringotts Money Exchange as well as chat to the Goblin there.

If you want to find out about some more of the secrets of Diagon Alley, why not check our other article out!


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