10 Reasons Why Zodiac Killer MAY Have Been Solved

1. Even Doerr's Daughter Thinks He's Zodiac

Zodiac Paul Doerr
LA Mag & Aaron Gell

Even Doerr's own daughter, Gloria Doerr, agrees that her father was most likely Zodiac, as detailed in a recent interview with LA Mag.

Though Doerr stated that she doesn't want to believe Kobek's claims, as no child would, she couldn't help but note the many similarities listed in his investigation.

Furthermore, Doerr revealed that her father's abuse became violent enough that she moved out of the family home at the start of Christmas break 1968, which would've been mere days at most before Zodiac claimed his first victim.

Plus, many of Zodiac's murder spots were popular teen hangouts Gloria herself frequented, with LA Mag even floating the theory that Doerr could've murdered Vallejo youths in an attempt to scare his "straying" daughter straight.

But at the end of the interview, Doerr outright says that she believes Kopek's investigations to be correct, that her father was more probably than not Zodiac.

While family members certainly don't make for immediately objective or reliable witnesses, it is nevertheless interesting to hear Doerr's own flesh and blood openly appreciate the theory.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.