10 Ridiculous Names Celebs Gave Their Babies

6. Gerard Way - Bandit Lee

Speaking of unpleasant associations with My Chemical Romance, and the man most likely responsible for the aforementioned "My Harlequin Romance" image, Gerard Way is in no way innocent of child naming horrors himself. The former MCR singer is notorious for a somewhat forced persona of anti-culture, allowing people to start associating his image with his music long enough for them to get comfortable before changing altogether and confusing us all - see going from a Black Parade get-up to his short red hair and sports jersey incarnation by the very next album. And so it is only to be expected that he would not name his child anything which is even remotely acceptable to lay upon an innocent infant. Of course he lived up to that expectation and named his daughter Bandit Lee. The testing scenario which I always find judges the hilarity of names most effectively is picturing the child in a classroom at the start of the day, as the teacher begins to read down the register. Can you imagine the immediate handicap in social life that child is going to have when a classroom of peers finds out she's called Bandit? What's more, if anyone says to you "Bandit Way", and you don't automatically think of a terrible Spaghetti Western movie, I'd find it somewhat remarkable.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.