10 Ridiculous Names Celebs Gave Their Babies

5. Nicolas Cage - Kal-El

Who doesn't love Nicolas Cage? If ever there was a ringing endorsement for how you can just do the same thing - be really shouty and confused - in every single film you're signed on to, and still get an unbelievable amount of work and money from it, then he is it. Cage has more or less become the king of the internet over the last few years, thanks to various memes seeing his face appear on anything you can imagine. Plus, there's the fact that we love to watch his absolutely terrible movies more than the decent ones he's been in, because he's just so entertaining when a director tells him to let the crazy out. So it was only to be expected that when it came to Cage having a child, he would name them in a manner which appropriately reflected his beautiful insanity, and good lord did he ever deliver. Cage's youngest son was named Kal-El; if that name sounds familiar to you, that's because it's the real name of Superman. That's right, not only is the name of Cage's child taken directly from a comic book character, but that character is not even human, and definitely does not have a name often given to people of that species. It'd be amazing to think that Cage named the child that after being linked to the role of Superman when Tim Burton was interested in making a new movie in the franchise, but then again, you'd find yourself too distracted by the thought of Nic Cage as the Man Of Steel.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.