10 Ridiculous Names Celebs Gave Their Babies

3. Shannyn Sossamon - Audio Science

You may or may not remember Shannyon Sossamon as playing the love interest to Heath Ledger in A Knight's Tale. Other than that, her career has surprisingly been limited to a great deal of shockingly awful horror movies and the occasional recurring role on a couple of TV shows. But to attempt - and that's going to be more than a bit of a stretch here - to justify the truly shocking name she gave her son, taking a little look at personal life will give you an indication as to the sort of person that she is. She was initially the drummer for a psychedelic band called Warpaint, and is a student of dance, and if that doesn't scream new age hippy, I don't know what does. So therefore it only makes sense that she decided to name her first born child Audio Science. Those, simply put, are not names. They are names of things, yes, they can even be used as nouns, we'll push it that far. But names, they most certainly are not. When you were a kid, you may have fantasied about having a really cool, futuristic-sounding name, but the reality of it is that you instead sound like a knock-off brand of stereos. In fairness to Sossamon, she got better with practice, as her second child was fortunate enough to be given a human name; though she did plump for Mortimer, so we sincerely hope the kid grows up to be a mortician.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.