10 Scariest Castles In The World

5. Casa Loma €“ Canada

Yes, even Canada has castles. Casa Loma is a Gothic Revival estate built in midtown Toronto between 1911-1914. Originally built for financier Sir Henry Mill Pellatt, the castle has 98 rooms, two secret passages, an oven large enough to cook an ox, a pool and two vertical passages for pipe organs. After financial difficulties forced Pellatt to sell his property, the castle was operated as a luxury hotel, a secret military testing facility, and a tourist attraction by the Kiwanis Club. In 2014 ownership passed to the Liberty Company. Claims of apparitions, disembodied voices and footsteps have been reported since the 1930s. The most common sighting is the White Lady who is commonly seen on the second floor of the castle, but is occasionally spotted in the basement as well. People see her cleaning and tidying, so it has led visitors and staff to believe she was a maid that worked there and died of influenza, which wreaked havoc on Toronto in the early 1900s. A more violent ghost haunts the tunnel that runs from the main property to the stables. He is gruff, pulls hair and shoves people. He€™s even been recorded speaking and interacting with visitors. Maybe he€™s trying to get back to Detroit.
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.