10 Scariest Castles In The World

4. Moosham Castle €“ Austria

Still family owned, the first mention of the castle occurs in 1191. It was built in 1208 and in 1886, it was purchased by Johann Wilczek. The family filled the halls with a large art collection, items from the Romans that once populated the region, records and preserved torture implements. Why torture stuff you ask? That€™s because it became the site of grotesque witch trials resulting in the beheading of hundreds of women between 1675 and 1687. Burnings, dismemberment and beatings were all acceptable forms of torture. Visitors can still see the room where the head tortuer lived. Many guests claim that they feel a dark entity and that is tugs on them or pulls their hair. Additionally, in case ghosts aren't scary enough, there are werewolf stories attached to the castle. In the 1800s, a monstrous beast was slaughtering the livestock of local farmers and mutilating the corpses. Many of the dead animals were discovered in the vicinity of the castle, which led the townspeople to believe that someone living in the castle was a werewolf.
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Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.