10 Scary Books That Will Haunt You Forever

5. Penpal - Dathan Auerbach

Tumblr Mx9a9wcbz51rqlyzwo1 500 Gif I first came across this short novel while browsing the internet site, Reddit, specifically on the r/nosleep thread, a part of the site where people can post their mostly fictional scary stories. Most of them follow the same uniform storylines and none are particularly frightening but what caught my attention was that this particular story had actually been published and the fear that it seemed to have invoked upon its readers was what really sparked my interest. The novel first began as a series of six short stories but as interest grew it was revised and made into a novel which focuses on the writer, Dathan's childhood. Dathan and his friend, Josh love going to the woods but only in daylight when it's easy to find their way out, but Dathan soon realises that there is something to fear and it's very real. What happens next is a series of disturbing and gut-wrenching events which I can honestly say made me feel sick to my stomach during some parts of the novel and a little clue at the end makes you question just how fictional this story is. If you're looking for pure terror that will make you never set foot in the woods again then this is your book. Although, if you're a parent then read this at your own risk, because you won't forget this novel in a hurry.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.