10 Secret Rooms Hidden In Famous Landmarks

6. Pixar Studios' Lucky 7 Lounge

Eiffel Tower Room

Okay, so this isn't one you can visit unless you make it through the doors of one of the world's biggest animation companies, but it makes the list because it's freaking cool.

Young Pixar animator Andrew Gordon found a secret room located behind an air vent in his office, which turned out to be a hidden speakeasy from the Prohibition era.

Andrew and his coworkers had the room restored to serve its original purpose as a clandestine drinking establishment, and over the years, it attracted all kinds of famous folks, from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs to Roy Disney.

Pixar has made several cool modifications to the speakeasy over the years, including the installation of a sliding bookshelf to conceal a button granting access to the room.

The story of the hidden speakeasy is recounted in a featurette among Toy Story 3's DVD extras, and it's well worth a watch.

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