10 Shocking Secrets You Didn’t Know About Anne Boleyn’s Grisly Death
9. Deformed Miscarriage

As discussed
before, Anne had lost a baby not long before she had died. Following the
post-mortem, it was revealed that the foetus was in fact deformed. This set alarm
bells ringing in Henry’s head as he could not possibly be the father due to the
fact he was king and therefore royal blood, making a deformed baby impossible
in his eyes.
The deformed foetus would prove pivotal in Anne’s demise as it was excellent evidence for her accusations of adultery. It was suggested by some that George Boleyn was the father and the incestuous relationship deformed the child. Alternatively, a deformed foetus is associated with witchcraft, something Anne was often mentioned with, due to an abnormal extra finger on her hand.
Whatever the case, the importance of this discovery cannot be understated as it helped lead to Anne’s death.