10 Shocking Secrets You Didn’t Know About Anne Boleyn’s Grisly Death

5. Secret Meetings

Natalie Dormer

So, as we have already learned, Thomas Cromwell could be a cruel man. Once Anne’s friend, he does the unthinkable and plots her downfall in a series of secret meetings with a man who despised her, Eustace Chapuys.

Chapuys was Spain’s representative at court and close friend of Henry’s first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Anne had brutally ousted Catherine and Chapuys never forgot. He would never refer to Anne by name in letters: she was always either 'Concubine' or 'mistress'.

The two men would meet in secret and essentially plot an alliance between England and Spain; the main stumbling block to this plan was Anne. Cromwell, not in exact words but you get the gist, told Chapuys that he would get rid of this stumbling block. Worst of all was that Anne could see all this unfolding in front of her eyes and could do nothing to stop it.


George Wilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.