10 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating On You

2. Their Phone Isn't Accessible

They do everything on their phone, including bank transfers, but you're never allowed near their phone. If you want to see a picture that they took of you the day before, you have to ask them to show you it, and they'll find the picture first before showing you what's on their phone. All calls are answered in a hushed voice and are taken into another room. They smile and laugh when they receive texts but they never tell you who they're from or what they said. Their phone bill is also costing them more each month and they'll go crazy at you for picking up their phone, even if it's just to look at the time. Although the chances of that happening are slim because they always have their phone on them, wherever they go. If it's not in their hand, it's in their pocket and it's never in arm's reach of you.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com