10 Skills To Help You Survive The Apocalypse

7. After Contagion: Zombies

gas mask

If you're lucky, you'll have a bit more warning about the potential zombie outbreak. Keep an eye on the news and if anything starts getting out of hand you'll have at least some time to start getting your supplies together.

This is lucky, seeing as you're getting the hell out of Dodge.

If you already live in the countryside then, congrats, you've got a head start. If you're in the city then you need to get out.

This isn't just so that you can see the undead dudes coming a mile off, but there will also be fewer of them. Seeing as their food is human brains (or whatever, they eat people), they'll congregate where there are the highest concentration of people.

This does mean that you're also cutting yourself off from your own sources of food and supplies, which is why some people might stay in the cities, so stocking up on the essentials when you have the chance is of the utmost importance.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.