10 Stories About Evel Knievel You Won't Believe

4. He Was A Public Safety Icon

Evel Knievel Being Evel

As someone who regularly risked his life in a series of increasingly death-defying stunts, Knievel is the last person you’d expect to front multiple public safety campaigns. However, throughout his life he lent his image to a variety of them and always championed the importance of ‘keeping your word’.

He is probably best known for his anti-drugs message, one which he would often deliver before his stunts. During one of these anti-drug sermons, in 1971, he caused a near riot when he accused the present Hell’s Angel bikers of being drug dealers. This resulted in a tire iron being thrown at him during the show and an ensuing fight that led to 3 bikers being hospitalised.

His most prominent anti-drugs activity was, however, his 1977 film Viva Knievel in which Knievel (played by himself) foiled a drug smuggling plot across the US-Mexican border.

He was also known for promoting the use of a helmet whilst motorcycling and described anyone who rode without one as a ‘goddamned fool’. He even went as far as to offer a cash reward to any person who saw him performing a stunt without one. When he appeared before the California legislature to support their 1987 bill to make motorcycle helmets mandatory he was introduced as the "best walking commercial for a helmet there is".

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Evel Knievel
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Student, part-time freelance writer, holder of many questionable opinions and impassioned hater of Lord Of The Rings (disagree? Find me on Twitter, @JoshSandy)