10 Stories About Evel Knievel You Won't Believe

3. He Was An Insurance Salesman

Evel Knievel Being Evel

Before his foray into the world of motorcycle stunts, Knievel held a regular job selling insurance door-to-door for Combined Insurance. He even held a company record for selling policies, having sold 271 in a single week. However, this record was short-lived when it quickly became apparent that a large number of these had been sold to the inmates of a nearby psychiatric facility

His record-breaking performance turned out to be his downfall as he quickly became bored with going door-to-door and, after only a few months on the job, appealed to be given a seat on the board of the entire company.

Unsurprisingly this appeal was declined. Following this, he quickly left the company and moved his family to Washington where he opened a Honda dealership.

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Evel Knievel
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Student, part-time freelance writer, holder of many questionable opinions and impassioned hater of Lord Of The Rings (disagree? Find me on Twitter, @JoshSandy)