10 Strange Things You Never Knew About Christmas

5. Olentzero - The Big Benevolent Basque!

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Most autonomous communities locked in the vice-like grip of a larger, more affluent Mother Nation tend to find ways of highlighting elements of their culture that distinguish them from the rest of the country they dislike being a part of. In some cases these manifest themselves in traditional costumes, terrorist factions, or even a completely different language sometimes; and Basque Country in Northern Spain is no different. Especially at Christmas! Oh sure everybody there knows the ubiquitous fat bloke in a red suit but he€™s either helped or usurped by a very different gift-bearer: Olentzero the beret-wearing Basque giant. So where did he come from? Well, Basque villages can€™t even agree on his name so a definitive origin story would be little ambitious. There is one story that€™s particularly fun, though. Olentzero is the last of a great race of Basque giants who, millennia ago, we€™re startled by a very, very bright cloud in the sky. (Oxymoron but go with it.) So bright was the cloud that only one very old, very blind geriatric giant could look directly at it and divine what it meant. Shortly afterwards he turned to the other giants and told them to throw him off a cliff because Christianity was on its way and he wasn€™t going to stick around to be €˜Christianised€™ by a bunch of botherers. The other giants came to the fastest group consensus since Mary and Joseph, living in an ultra-conservative society, decided Mary€™s pregnancy was definitely, and immaculately, caused by an angel. So off they trotted towards the cliff and went to throw the ol€™Giant over but, being giants, they were stupid enough to all fall over with him. All except the, either slower or smarter, Olentzero who has seen fit to celebrate the following years with gifts for all the little Basque children.
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A. J. S. Scott was created as a homunculus by a mad English Alchemist who was trying to make rum from ink and seawater. He is still a fan of both and he has no comment on what happened to all the ‘No Exit’ signs in Islington Underground Station when he visited for Beltaine. You can send him missives by bribing the Right Raven with sour-strings, or: Instagram: @ajsscott Tumblr: andrew-scott-things.tumblr.com