10 Stupid Things to Do Before You Die

7. Do One Thing That Absolutely Terrifies You Even if You Think You€™ll Never Do It Again!

Fight or flight. Yes the polemic argument we€™ve all made at one point in our lives, most often with the result of a hardback book dropped from head height onto an unsuspecting €“ but undoubtedly intruding €“ house spider. Or, for those of you with a little more backbone and a lot more humanity, the spider will be treated to a short flight out the window, courtesy of a glass catapult with impenetrable postcard exit. Whatever your method, the sense of success afterwards is invariably constant. Imagine that elation after doing something you€™re really scared of! Now, there€™s a little addition to the initial disclaimer here. Seeking artistic pugilism in a biker bar wearing a pink tutu or jumping into the baboon enclosure wearing nothing but banana body butter and yellow Speedos is NOT advised. In this case, real danger is not as important as perceived danger. If you€™re afraid of heights, don€™t attempt a homage with Felix Baumgartner in your back garden, instead, pay for a sky dive. Or a bungee jump. Or visit the top of the tallest building in your town as part of a guided tour and grip the hand-rails like they€™re going to run away and leave you at playgroup all by yourself. The idea of scaring yourself senseless is stupidity incarnate but it€™s also the basis for countless billion dollar industries of which reality television is just one. There must be some merit to it beyond raising the heart-rate to compete with Megadeath€™s metronome. There€™s the sense of satisfaction at €˜having made it€™ afterwards and, regardless of what that actually means, you€™ll thoroughly enjoy the nervous laughter that stays with you for hours after!
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A. J. S. Scott was created as a homunculus by a mad English Alchemist who was trying to make rum from ink and seawater. He is still a fan of both and he has no comment on what happened to all the ‘No Exit’ signs in Islington Underground Station when he visited for Beltaine. You can send him missives by bribing the Right Raven with sour-strings, or: Instagram: @ajsscott Tumblr: andrew-scott-things.tumblr.com