10 Surefire Signs Your Starbucks Addiction Is Getting Out Of Hand
6. One Taste Will Transform An Awful Day Into A Wonderful Day
Of course, sometimes you need more than that morning pick-me-up. Sometimes, not even the most expertly crafted concoction is enough to carry you through an entire day. Sometimes, everything goes wrong and you hate the world and everyone in it. It happens. Fortunately for all of the Starbucks addicts, there is a solution. The afternoon pick-me-up: delicious, daring, and therapeutic. Maybe you even jazz up your regular order and try something different. A Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino that feels inappropriate at 7AM might be just what you need at quittin' time. Maybe instead of a regular old extra shot of espresso, you'll go for caramel or hazelnut. Or, maybe you'll play it safe and stick with what you know and have come to love like no other. Whichever way you go, a single taste can float you away from your troubles up to Cloud 9 in a haze of total satisfaction. Was your boss being a jerk? Were the kids screaming? Had your coworkers been driving you crazy? Weren't you mad about something? Not anymore. Thank you, Starbucks.
Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .