10 Surefire Signs Your Starbucks Addiction Is Getting Out Of Hand
5. You Speak To Your Local Barista More Often Than Your Family

Past a certain stage in your Starbucks addiction, few variables remain in your daily coffee quest. You wont even need to be entirely awake to wander into your chosen location and take your place in line. Your feet take you where your heart truly resides.
Still, there is one component that is beyond your control: the baristas.
On the one hand, it would be easy to overlook the role that baristas play in the Starbucks system. After all, they are but cogs in the coffee delivery system, right? You dont go to Starbucks to make friends.
But baristas are people too, and that inevitable moment when a certain server realizes the extent of your unwavering dedication to your daily drink can be awkward. There are only so many times that you can hide under a hat or pretend to have a twin before you become a regular. Then, it occurs to you: there is no shame is interacting with a barista more often than your family or friends. There is liberation.