10 Terrible Batman Toys You'd Probably Never Buy

1. Batman Water Pistol

It's at this point that Batman needs to start having serious words with his promotional department. All of the key parts of this toy are placed in highly suspect positions. The cap literally has to be "popped in his ass", the tip from which the water shoots is on his mouth and the trigger is... let's say "phallically situated". That's right - fill Batman's ass with water, press his penis and watch that liquid shoot out of his mouth! He's also provocatively bent over. This toy surely provided hours and hours of... well... embarrassment and awkwardness. The 1960s series on which this toy was based was famously camp - in fact, that was arguably the bulk of the show's unique appeal - but this really does take the biscuit. So there you have it - ten terrible Batman toys that you'd probably never buy. Did you enjoy this list? Do you know of any other terrible Batman toys? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.