10 Terrifying Creatures That You’ll Be Glad Are Extinct

8. The Eight-Foot Sea Scorpion

Extinct Animals

"Sea Scorpion" is probably not at the top of most people's "Would Most Like To Cuddle" list anyway, but add in the fact that these prehistoric beasts were the size of your average kayak and had claws the size of tennis racquets, and they sail straight to the top of the "Swimming As Fast As Possible In The Other Direction" list.

They roamed the oceans around four million years ago, hoovering up anything that was smaller than them (which was most things) and could pick its teeth with even the largest arthropods of today.

Despite their ferocious looks, some researchers have put forwards the idea that they were, in fact, "pussycats" (their words not ours). Don't know about you, but regardless of how docile they are, these are still not something we would want curled up on the hearth rug.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.