10 Terrifying Creatures That You’ll Be Glad Are Extinct

3. Livyatan Melvilli

Extinct Animals

With homages to both the Leviathan (a giant sea monster from the bible) and Moby Dick in its name, this giant, prehistoric whale certainly isn't messing around. Whilst its modern equivalents generally bomb around the oceans, hoovering up krill and having the occasional fight with the giant squid, Livyatan Melvilli had a mouth full of 36cm long teeth and a nasty attitude.

The structure of this whale's skull has lead experts to believe that it spent its time doing more headbutting than a Millwall fan. It was what is described as a "hypercarnivore" (a term that should wave a few red flags anyway) and is generally thought to have snacked on other whales for the majority of its calories.

With a jaw big enough to swallow a fully grown man whole, the extinction of this sea monster has made whale watching more of a relaxing pursuit than an encounter with certain death.

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