10 Terrifying Monsters Sighted Around The World

4. Jersey Devil

Bigfoot Film Patterson Gimlin
By Philadelphia Newspaper (Philadelphia Papers in 1909) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Adopted by the local community as a mascot and tourist trap, the Jersey Devil has been the subject of plenty of TV shows, films, and hoax appearances - with the population of Southern New Jersey obsessed with their terrifying inhabitant of the Pine Barrens. As for the founding of the legend, the Jersey Devil dates back as far as the 18th century.

Mother Jane Leeds fell pregnant with her thirteenth child in 1735, and her frustration with having yet another baby caused her to curse the thing before it was born. Can we really blame her? Taking his mom’s words a little too literally, the child transformed into a hideous creature upon entering the world, killed the midwife, and flew up out the chimney and headed into the pines.

Described as cloven hoofed monster with leathery bat wings and the head of a goat, the Jersey Devil has been blamed for killing livestock and terrorising local inhabitants with its glowing red eyes and spine-chilling screech for many years.

The story of its inception might be a little hard to swallow, there’s plenty of other supernatural and downright weird stories that circulate from the barrens. There’s something definitely going on out there - even if it's just a giant carbon monoxide leak.

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