10 Terrifying Monsters Sighted Around The World

5. J'Ba Fofi

Bigfoot Film Patterson Gimlin
Warner Bros

Simply put: giant f*cking spiders. The love child of Aragog and Shelob, these spiders have been most commonly linked to the Congo, where they spin webs to capture large prey in a way similar to that of a trapdoor spider.

The main difference, however, is that these spiders range from the body size of a dinner plate to roughly five foot in diameter. Commonly accepted by the nearby Baka people as truly existing and claiming they used to be quite common until recent habitation problems have dwindled their number, the J’ba Fofi have one of the strongest record of sightings, with reports made as recently as 2016.

Humans have been attacked by these demons from hell on more than one occasion, either snaring explorers in their webs or attacking from the depths of the jungle when its victims are at their most unprepared. But let’s be fair, when are you going to be ready for a spider the size of a bathtub to launch itself at you from the middle of the undergrowth?

You might think you’re safe by never going anywhere near the Congo in this lifetime, but these real-life eight legged freaks have been reported in Vietnam, the US, and even England. Just burn everything down now.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.