10 Things Learned From The Ancient Aliens Guy Reddit AMA

4. Ithica College

Ancient Aliens Meme

One person questioned Giorgio regarding claims that their high school government teacher was a former roommate of his while attending school at Ithaca College.

"That's quite possible. Because yes, I did attend Ithaca College," responded Giorgio.

This is definitely one of the more inconsequential tidbits of this AMA until you learn what his field of study was at Ithaca. Giorgio would earn a bachelor's degree in sports information and communication in 1998. Surprised?

His very un-historical and un-astrophysical degree guided him into a career of promoting professionally sanctioned bodybuilding contests for several years, including the Mr. Olympia contest. His early education and work seem as far apart from his current career path as possible.

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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.