10 Things Learned From The Ancient Aliens Guy Reddit AMA

3. Evidence Of Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens Meme

What is Giorgio's Tsoukalos reasoning for believing what he believes? Some people might need a specific instance to support his claims but he seems to argue that one has to look at the bigger picture to arrive at his conclusion...

"It's not necessarily one piece of the puzzle per se. It is the overall picture. Because what we are talking about, in the Ancient Astronaut theory, we are talking about circumstantial evidence."

Maybe he's just seeing what he wants to see when he looks into the past. But who really knows...maybe he's on to something?

"It's the combination of a whole bunch of pieces that can be regarded as circumstantial evidence, and in a court of law, circumstantial evidence allows you to win court cases. There are no crashed UFOs that are on display anywhere, or no extraterrestrial tools have been found, those are all items that so far have not been discovered, there is no one concise piece of evidence that we can say "Look, here is the smoking gun." So it is a combination of everything. All the different pieces."

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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.