10 Things More Likely To Happen To You Than Winning The Lottery
5. Having At Least 50 Sexual Partners
Still a bit down over the snake bite thing? If I told you that you have a 1 in 2.5 million chance of having more than 50 sexual partners in your lifetime, would that make you feel better? Excellent! Such a herculean feat of sexual prowess not only seems a decent way to wile away the long winter months, but also to distract yourself from yet another miserably failed attempt to win the Lottery. Better still, scientists who conduced this sexual health study reckon that the number of, er, 'committed enthusiasts' is actual higher owing to the fact that many modest souls won't admit to how much action they're really getting. So there you go - the next time Lancelot or Guinevere refuse to release your winning balls, go and find your jackpot elsewhere.