10 Things Nobody Tells You About Depression

7. You Become An Excellent Liar

€œHow are you feeling today?€ €œYeah, I€™m okay, not much else to say really.€ It€™s very difficult to come clean about your depression, it€™s much easier to put on a smile and brush off anyone€™s concern with a casual €˜I€™m fine€™, because sometimes letting go of your façade and being truly honest about how bad you feel is too hard. Then there are the days when you let slip and you€™ve got to cover your tracks and say you€™re just having a bad day rather than a bad month. It€™s easy to hide your depression when you€™re amongst friends and family, you join in conversation at the right moments, laugh at all the right punch lines and force enough of a smile to keep any suspicions at bay when deep down your mind is completely torn up and focused elsewhere. It€™s one of reasons Robin William€™s death took so many by surprise because how can he be depressed when he€™s so funny, energetic and full of life? Well, like so many of us he€™s an absolute natural at hiding his feelings.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.