10 Things Nobody Tells You About Depression

6. Your Eating Schedule Is Ridiculous

Depression can really affect your eating habits; while you€™re depressed there is no in-between when it comes to food, you either do it all or none at all, there is no moderation. It may be seen as a joke to some, but quite a few do turn to food in their worst moments, food high in carbs and sugar can release serotonin, a chemical that can raise your overall mood, so it€™s no wonder some crave food when they€™re feeling low. Others€™ appetites can simply disappear, any feelings of hunger buried under those of feelings of anxiousness and hopelessness, while some feel so exhausted they don€™t try to put together a decent meal, or skip one every so often. Sometimes just eating one piece of a fruit or a chocolate bar can seem like an appropriate meal. Poor eating habits have been proven to make depression worse, it€™s very easy to drastically gain or lose a lot of weight, so it€™s important to try and maintain a balanced diet and exercise in this time.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.