10 Things Only Apple Genius Bar Employees Will Understand

2. The Uniform Is A Right Of Passage

Many people would say that working for Apple is a bit like being in a cult, maybe that's just a misconception because everyone who works at the company has a real sense of brand loyalty and love the products that they sell and repair. One of the coolest parts of the job is certainly the uniform. The company's approach to dress code is simply an Apple-branded T-shirt, which has changed colour quite a few times! This can be accompanied with whatever shoes or trousers the employee sees fit, although very visibly-branded garments are sometimes not permitted. The uniform for the Genius team goes as far as to be specifically designed not to cause static in the repair room. If you ever see your Genius with a yellow wristband on, ask them why - you might be impressed. The signature uniform is something that most employees will keep ahold of for the rest of their lives, and it is not uncommon for employees to frame their shirts when the leave.
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Journalist. Food inhaler. Lover of cats.