10 Things That Are Seriously Messing With Your Zen
Before inner peace, comes outer peace.

Reaching your own personal Nirvana is a bit of a tricky deal these days. Our constant fixation with career advancement has turned most working environments into a hostile battleground that saps away at our strength. A bit like the Vampire Diaries, but without the sexy bits.
Still, that’s perfectly fine, right? Work hard and play harder, because YOLO. But no. After-hours have become just as stressful as office hours. Navigating a reasonably happening social life in the age of social media has become a bit like Taylor Lautner’s abs - in other words, impossible to achieve.
With a never-ending amount of pitfalls to lead us down the ‘forever alone’ road, life has never been this stressful. You’re either the best or you are complete crap. Given this mood, you may as well wave goodbye to your zen, if only you had a free hand with which to do that. Unless you wise up pronto and figure out where you are going wrong, that is. Here are 10 things that will help you do just that – clean the bad vibes right out of your life.
The good news? Chanting ohm and mindfulness are nowhere on the roadmap.
10. An Over-Developed Competitive Streak

Fact: A bit of competition is healthy. It motivates us to do greater things and reveals possibilities that were previously undreamed of.
Because if that bitch from accounts can ask for a raise and get it, then g*dammit so can we.
Problems crop up when an over-developed sense of competition blinds us to everything else that is going on around us.
Put it this way: if we’re too busy being jelly because the 6 ft 2 blonde at the gym scored our crush, we are never going to notice that fit dude who’s been throwing definite hook up signs our way even as we sweated on the elliptical.
The moral: Too much of a good thing can kill you. Unless the good thing involves peanut butter and jelly, because then even if it kills you, you die happy. But in real life, try to focus on a measure of collaboration instead of cutthroat competition. Getting p*ssed off because someone's always two steps ahead of you? Learn from them.