10 Things That Will Happen If You Ever Go On A Diet

7. There's Calories In Alcohol?

Don't forget about the calories in your drinks too. Yes, life is unfair and there are loads of calories in alcohol. The only thing that doesn't have calories in it is water, and although you need water to live, it's just not a bottle of red is it? With 90 calories in a small glass of vino and up to 200 with a glass of lager, they all add up on your saturday night out and your Wednesday night in. Of course it isn't just alcohol, but cutting out fizzy juice will be a big help to you because if you're drinking the full fat stuff, there is enough sugar one glass of it to feed Buddy The Elf for a solid day. And remember, that's just your mixer.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com