10 Things That Will Happen If You Ever Go On A Diet

6. You'll Become THAT Person In Restaurants

If you're determined to stick to your new way of living, dining out can be a nightmare for you, your friends and your waiter; but mainly for you. You'll have to sit there and work out what you can and can't have and because you're dining out (which you might not do very often) you'll want to indulge. So if you're getting a starter, have that over a pudding and vice versa. But have patience with the waiter when you swap fries for salad, frying for grilled and you want your salmon done last so it doesn't dry out. However, if that didn't raise any eyebrows then just wait for when you order a burger but without the bun...

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com