10 Things That Will Help You On Your Weight Loss Journey

Because who doesn't want to level up?

Everyone has their body hang ups and sometimes you'll wish you were as thin as you were the first time that you looked at yourself and thought that you were fat. There will be something about your body that you don't like, whether it's how small your bum is, how you have more to love on your belly or how people with thigh gaps completely baffle you. Your body image and your weight will be something that you might battle with for your entire life and because of society's expectations on what they think you should look like changes every other month, you're always going to feel like you never actually fit in. So whether you want to get into shape for health reasons or to feel more confident, the first few steps are always the hardest. People always start their journey with good intentions but the pressures of wanting pizza can sometimes be too much to resist. Similarly, so can your desire to brave the gym as whenever it's raining, it's usually a right off because you'd rather sit in bed and stay cosy. So whatever your reasons for your fitness kick are, whether you want to get healthy, feel confident or physically prepare yourself for a zombie apocalypse, here are a few tips that will help you on your journey.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com