10 Things To Never Say To First Time Parents

"Why can't you just sleep when the baby sleeps?"

Congratulations, you're parents! It's tough, but you're doing a great job. You're emotional, you're sleep deprived and it's okay to want everyone else in the world to simply vanish so that you can enjoy spending time in your own world with your new family. It's also acceptable to want to punch a few of your relatives and friends in the face when they come out with some stupid one-liners. So if you're a first time parent, don't worry because you're going to get the hang of it, and if you know someone who is a mother or father for the first time, avoid all of the following phrases unless you want a swift kick to the crotch.

10. You Look Tired

Of course they're tired, they have a new born baby. What parent have you ever known to have said "having a baby was the best thing that ever happened to my sleeping pattern! We're so refreshed all the time, in fact, I'm ready to pull an all nighter, maybe even whack on a BBQ, put up the disco ball and pretend that it's 1999 baby." Never. This has never happened ever. They're sleep deprived and still have to maintain a household, so they don't need you telling them that they look like they need more sleep or that they should sleep when the baby is sleeping. It isn't going to help anyone. When the baby is sleeping, how else are they supposed to get the 'normal' things done like the housework and preparing meals? Instead of criticising their appearance you should be offering to look after the baby for a while so that they can get a few minutes of uninterrupted zzzs.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com