10 Things We Learned From Edward Snowden On Joe Rogan's Podcast

1. Man Did Land On The Moon (Or Did He?)

Article lead image
By NASA / Neil A. Armstrong - Apollo 11 Image Library (image link), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=137926

Maybe Snowden just didn't look hard enough, or maybe the government purposefully withhold information about aliens, chemtrails and more from employees with high levels of security clearance. It is possible, after all, that the most sensitive information isn't uploaded on an encrypted server somewhere at all.

During the interview, Edward seemed happy to admit that NSA, CIA and FBI insiders probably don't know everything either. He scoured countless databases, stumbling upon evidence that suggests man did land on the moon in 1969, but who's to say that wasn't a red herring knowingly planted to take employees off the scent of other theories?

It's a minefield of mis-information and established truths.

Snowden does seem to believe that Neil Armstrong and crew did land on the planet in the 60s. There's an air of suspicion about everything he read through on government databases though, and perhaps rightly so after he was thrown to the wolves post-whistleblowing.

What else did you learn from Edward Snowden on Joe Rogan's podcast? For more Joe Rogan, check out 20 Things We Learned From Joe Rogan's Podcast Interview With Jake Roberts!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.