10 Things You Won’t Believe Were Sold On eBay

5. Sports Car For Less Than A Dollar

Buying a car on eBay always seems a little dodgy: it's not like an ad in a paper, meeting with the owner, checking the goods and delivering cash in hand. We've all seen that the world of Internet shopping can be full of con-artists and trickery, and who is to say if that you're not going to spend £15,000 on a motor and end up with a photo of it through the letterbox? One lucky eBay bidder hit the jackpot back in 2005, when he won a luxury sports car, worth £25,000... for 50p. The Lotus Espirit Turbo, owned by controversial Birmingham radio DJ Tim Shaw, was sold within minutes after being posted on the website. Not long before the sale, Shaw had propositioned glamour model Jodie Marsh live on-air, announcing on Kerrang! FM show that he would happily leave his wife and two kids for the 'I'm A Celebrity' contestant. His wife, Hayley, was furious, calling it the 'last straw' of their relationship. The item description for the car on eBay read: "I need to get rid of this car immediately - ideally in the next two to three hours before my husband gets home to find it gone and all his belongings in the street." She admitted she sold the car after a few bevvies, and told the press: "When he said he would leave me and the kids for Jodie Marsh that was it for me." Hell hath no fury like a woman (with an EBay account) scorned.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell