10 Things You Didn't Know About Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights

2. John Landis Wasn’t Keen On The Werewolves

Back in 2013, one house that made its debut at the event was An American Werewolf in London. The maze was based on John Landis' 1981 horror movie and would take guests into the Slaughtered Lamb pub, coming face-to-face with a werewolf.

The HHN's team built two werewolf puppets for the house to terrify the general public, but one man who wasn't a big fan was the director himself.

Speaking at 2015's event, Landis was quite open about how he didn't think the puppets were up to scratch:

Honestly the first time they did this... I was very happy with what they did but I said "the wolves should be better, the wolves are good, but the wolves should be better"... so when they called me and said we'd like to do it again... I said "great, you must step up with the wolves"

When Landis took a look at what they did at the maze's return at HHN25, he was very happy with the four new puppets describing them "awesome".


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.