10 Things You Didn't Know About Cameron Diaz

2. She€™s An Avid World Of Warcraft Player

Fiona Shrek Forever After

It€™s fair to say Cameron Diaz is atypical of Hollywood actors. What with her contrary philosophy towards marriage, predilection for fast cars and extreme sports, and open attitude regarding sex, the actor clearly has little concern for what the media write about her, instead living a life of personal freedom and enjoyment.

Not exactly befitting the glamorous lifestyle of a Hollywood celeb, Diaz was once over an avid World of Warcraft player, even professing to be addicted to the massively-multiplayer online role-playing game at one point. After playing the role of Princess Fiona in the Shrek series however, inhabiting a fantasy universe comes more naturally to her than others.

Those thinking of trying to roll a new character on her server think again though; Diaz has thus far remained clandestine about her avatar€™s name.

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Laura Holmes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.