10 Things You Didn't Know About Joe Rogan
4. He Worked As A Private Investigator Before Comedy
With Joe having spent nearly three decades in the public eye, it's almost hard to imagine now that he had to work a string of regular jobs before getting his break in show business in his mid-twenties.
Of all the things Rogan did prior to taking his comedy full-time, none are quite as interesting as his stint as the driver and assistant to a private investigator.
Joe later explained on the JRE that he had got the job after the investigator, Dave Dolan, had got a DUI and had his licence revoked and needed someone to drive him around. Rogan even went as far as saying Dolan was one of the funniest people he had ever met and could have easily been a standup comedian if he had decided to take that route in life.
The pair would stake-out people suspected of committing insurance fraud with Rogan fondly recalling memories of spending long hours surveilling people who were believed to be cheating the system.